The heat energy supply in Kazakhstan
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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2021
- Страниц: 296
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-7945-07-7
- Переплёт: 7БЦ
- Размер: 60×84 1/16
The «mastery» of fire has delivered of the humanity from the dependence on natural sources of heat (sun or fire from an accidental source: lightning, etc.) and has allowed the development of regions that are not suitable for habitation. Modern technologies for production and delivering heat energy used throughout the world differ But Kazakhstan has its own differences due to the specifics of the country. Therefore, in the book, known technologies are described in the volume necessary for a common understanding of the process of supplying thermal energy. It was given considerable attention to the problems of this industry, which are specific for Kazakhstan
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