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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2021
- Страниц: 398
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-238-541-0
- Переплёт: 7БЦ
- Размер: 60×84 1/16
The monograph "Industrial Ecology" is intended for students of higher
educational institutions who are trained in the natural-science, technical fields
and for experts in the nature protection organizations, scientists. It has been
written according to the Standard Program of course unit. It acquaints
students with the maintenance of a course, its relevance and need, course
policy, with those skills and abilities which students will gain in the course of
It has been written according to requirements of the State general
education standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan 03.08.323-2006 and the
Standard Program of Course Unit.
educational institutions who are trained in the natural-science, technical fields
and for experts in the nature protection organizations, scientists. It has been
written according to the Standard Program of course unit. It acquaints
students with the maintenance of a course, its relevance and need, course
policy, with those skills and abilities which students will gain in the course of
It has been written according to requirements of the State general
education standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan 03.08.323-2006 and the
Standard Program of Course Unit.
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