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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2021
- Страниц: 220
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-80835-5-6
- Переплёт: 7БЦ
- Размер: 60×84 1/16
This training manual is intended to prepare university students majoring in
architecture and construction for all types of control in the disciplines “Technology
of building processes” and “Technology of building production I”, which are the
core disciplines in engineering school. University teachers in these disciplines are
recommended to use this handbook intermediate and midterm control of students’
knowledge in the educational process, as well as for preparing students for an
external assessment of educational achievements.
architecture and construction for all types of control in the disciplines “Technology
of building processes” and “Technology of building production I”, which are the
core disciplines in engineering school. University teachers in these disciplines are
recommended to use this handbook intermediate and midterm control of students’
knowledge in the educational process, as well as for preparing students for an
external assessment of educational achievements.
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