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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2020
- Страниц: 133
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-7636-04-3
- Переплёт: КБС
- Размер: 60×84 1/16
The study guide reveals the main pedagogical approaches to the study of problems of education at the present stage. The theoretical foundations and methods of educational work with younger younger schoolchildren are considered on the basis of an axiological approach, taking into account best practices and current requirements for education. The forms and methods of education are described, the content of educational work in an elementary school is disclosed, the organizational and methodological conditions of education are presented, starting with goal setting and ending with the study of the effectiveness of the educational process.
The study guide is intended for students of pedagogical specialties, complies with the State compulsory standard of the specialty 5B010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education.
Certificate of entering information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright №7820 of January 28, 2020.
The study guide is intended for students of pedagogical specialties, complies with the State compulsory standard of the specialty 5B010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education.
Certificate of entering information into the State register of rights to objects protected by copyright №7820 of January 28, 2020.
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