Physicochemical and microbial processes
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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2022
- Страниц: 380
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-7670-64-1
- Переплёт: твердый
- Размер: 60*84 1/16
A textbook is intended for students in the group of educational programs "Food
technology". There are basic technological stages of every food branch considered.
Characteristics of basic processes and terms specific for one or another branch are resulted.
The first chapter describes the processes of milk biosynthesis in the mammary gland,
the main properties of the components of milk, their changes under the influence of various
factors. Then the biochemical and microbiological processes occurring in the production
and storage of drinking milk, cream, fermented milk products, canned food, butter and
cheeses are considered in detail.
The second chapter describes the composition, structure and properties of muscle,
connective, fatty, bone, cartilage, and integumentary tissues, the composition and basic
properties of blood, and their changes under the influence of various factors. Then the
autolytic, biochemical, and microbiological processes occurring in the production and
storage of meat products and canned food are considered in detail.
A textbook designed for students of higher educational institutions, teachers,
engineers and specialists in the food industry
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