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Theory and experimental methods: Tutorial

Для чтения книги необходимо авторизоваться и иметь активную подписку.

  • Издательство: Альманахъ
  • Год: 2023
  • Страниц: 192
  • Язык: English
  • ISBN: 978-601-7686-65-9
  • Переплёт: 7БЦ
  • Размер: 60*84 1/16
The textbook covers the following topics of practical training: non-traditional methods of treatment of gynecological diseases; modern diagnostic methods used to
diagnose diseases of the uterus, mammary glands and genitals of animals; modern drugs used in obstetric and gynecologcal practice; immunocorrection of surgical wounds; emergency veterinary surgery of small pets; organization and technique of surgical operations; determination of bacteriocinogenicity of microbial cultures; morphological and cultural variability of microorganisms; determination of transmission resistance of microorganisms by gradient cell method; preparation of various medicinal forms according to the main prescriptions; methods for determining toxic substances in veterinary facilities, the environment and animal products; basic principles for the diagnosis and prevention of animal poisoning; determination of pesticides and toxicological analysis; methods for determining toxicity in medicinal plants; nontraditional methods of treatment of non-infectious diseases; forensic veterinary examination of dead animals; pathological and anatomical autopsies of birds and wild animals; pathoanatomic autopsy of farm animals 'corpses; registration of the certificate of examination of the dead animals' corpses; carrying out blood immunoassay for infectious diseases of animals. For undergraduates in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" and entering the PhD doctorate.

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