Theory and experimental methods: Tutorial
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- Издательство: Альманахъ
- Год: 2023
- Страниц: 192
- Язык: English
- ISBN: 978-601-7686-65-9
- Переплёт: 7БЦ
- Размер: 60*84 1/16
The textbook covers the following topics of practical training: non-traditional methods of treatment of gynecological diseases; modern diagnostic methods used to
diagnose diseases of the uterus, mammary glands and genitals of animals; modern drugs used in obstetric and gynecologcal practice; immunocorrection of surgical wounds; emergency veterinary surgery of small pets; organization and technique of surgical operations; determination of bacteriocinogenicity of microbial cultures; morphological and cultural variability of microorganisms; determination of transmission resistance of microorganisms by gradient cell method; preparation of various medicinal forms according to the main prescriptions; methods for determining toxic substances in veterinary facilities, the environment and animal products; basic principles for the diagnosis and prevention of animal poisoning; determination of pesticides and toxicological analysis; methods for determining toxicity in medicinal plants; nontraditional methods of treatment of non-infectious diseases; forensic veterinary examination of dead animals; pathological and anatomical autopsies of birds and wild animals; pathoanatomic autopsy of farm animals 'corpses; registration of the certificate of examination of the dead animals' corpses; carrying out blood immunoassay for infectious diseases of animals. For undergraduates in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" and entering the PhD doctorate.
diagnose diseases of the uterus, mammary glands and genitals of animals; modern drugs used in obstetric and gynecologcal practice; immunocorrection of surgical wounds; emergency veterinary surgery of small pets; organization and technique of surgical operations; determination of bacteriocinogenicity of microbial cultures; morphological and cultural variability of microorganisms; determination of transmission resistance of microorganisms by gradient cell method; preparation of various medicinal forms according to the main prescriptions; methods for determining toxic substances in veterinary facilities, the environment and animal products; basic principles for the diagnosis and prevention of animal poisoning; determination of pesticides and toxicological analysis; methods for determining toxicity in medicinal plants; nontraditional methods of treatment of non-infectious diseases; forensic veterinary examination of dead animals; pathological and anatomical autopsies of birds and wild animals; pathoanatomic autopsy of farm animals 'corpses; registration of the certificate of examination of the dead animals' corpses; carrying out blood immunoassay for infectious diseases of animals. For undergraduates in the specialty "Veterinary medicine" and entering the PhD doctorate.
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